Thursday, October 27, 2011

Dear kids,

Actually that title should say "Deer and Kids".  That is what my week has been about.  My SIL and Hailey went to Missouri. The guys went deer hunting and I watched the kids.
As many of you have already seen. 
This is the deer.  It went from this.

To this.

To this.  Yummy!


And Raquel

Had something to show me.

 It was an Eagle

And his buddy

They didnt think that was near as exciting as I did so they went back to the patio.
And used the chair like a merry go round.
First it was Raquels turn.

Then Prestons.  I can still hear him giggling.

And of course I couldnt pass up this shot of an Aster.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Oh Brother!

Last week on my trip through the midwest I stopped at my older brothers house. I hadnt been there in about 12  years.  Shameful, I know.  So here are some things from my visit and a possibly a few random photos.

Here is my brother and I when we were little. 
When we still liked each other. 
You know, before the teen years hit us like a ton of bricks.
There were two other siblings, but they came later.

I drove by the house that we lived in as teenagers.  It hasnt changed a bit.  Except it used to be a yellow color. And there weren't rails on the porch. And there used to be a giant rose bush to the left that attacked him once. And that fence didnt used to be around the yard. Okay so it has changed a little. But so have we. We grew up. Grew apart.  Matured and grew back together.  We have more in common.  Enjoying the finer things: family, friends, food and nice wine.  (Okay so the wine is all me, but there is still time for him to learn ;)

 Here he is! Making me dinner.
He made Jambalaya while I envied his wildly curly hair.

He chopped lots of veggies.
Here is a pepper I picked out of his garden. 

 And other stuff.

And the bacon.  Yum 

 Some chicken breast. Look at those hands chop away.
Those are some excessively musically gifted hands.

 Some of the best sausage I have ever had.

 Then it was outside to cut the herbs.

More chopping.

Stir it all together.

 And add some rice. Love the way he meassures. Just like me!

 Notice it has changed at bit? 
He added some tomato sauce and wine.

 Now on to dessert while it simmers.
Simple, delicious pumpkin cupcakes.

 I spooned them into the liners. Messy, I know.
And yes they have Christmas print.  Hey, gotta use what you got.

 Mmm cooling in the window.  Can you smell that?

 Get a little closer.  How about now?  
Mmmm mmm so fall like.

 Frosting the minis.

 And now, just as important as the cooking is the clean up.
I would have helped but you know,  I had a camera in my hand.

 Opening a bottle of wine for us.  OKAY, okay, for me!

 And viola'.  Dinner was served.

 Then we kicked back and watched a movie with his babies.
See that cross in the back ground?  Its mine now.  I love it.

 Does this photo looked staged?
I am starting to ramble. It's time to go. Just one more thing.

I took this shot in his back yard.
Do you see the irony? Or is it just me?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Aunts are the best.

Aunts are the best.
They can take you on walks

To places you cant go alone

They can hold your hand.
And tell you things.

Important things about the great big world.
Yep Aunts are the best.
Just like nieces.

They're everywhere, they're everywhere

At the Woman's Retreat this year there were many small visitors.
Like, Kyra, with the bluest eyes ever.

And Chase. 

He was just hangin out.

 And adorable Hadley.

And Bronson.
I want my fishin pole please.

Thanks. All was good in B's world again

Can you show me how to cast just one more time B?

I want her.  No! I want her. 
Save me!

Rescued by the brother

But snatched back by the sister.
'Oh please dont drop me. It's a long way down there'

Monday, October 17, 2011

Retreat, RETREAT!!

For the third year in a row, we (meaning family and friends) attended a Woman's Retreat.  It is just one of those things that we talked about doing for 5 or 6 years.  You know, "we really should all get together for a weekend away from work, spouses, and kids and hang out". 
Then it finally happened and we had such a good time we just keep doin it.
"What happens on these retreats?" you ask. 
Well here is a few thing:
First we find a place to meet.

There's our camp this year.

And the set up begins.

Yikes!  A man!

Lots of men!
It was okay though.
They were only there long enough to set up a tent for us.

Here is our kitchen. 

Where we did some cooking.  Pretty nifty.

There was lots of visiting.

And the craft this year was tie dying. So we got started.

Then we waited. 

 And viola. Beautiful!

There were lots of pictures taken.
Family pictures.

Friend pictures.

Family and friend pictures.
And no, this wasnt everyone but people just kept coming and going.

So what do we see?

An uninvited guest.
He was just passing through.

And when the sun went down.

There was some singing.
And other stuff that I can't talk about because, well,
what happens at the retreat, stays at the retreat.

Then we went to bed. (Note the neatness?  Not everyone was this ocd)

And next year we will do it all again!