So we went to Missouri to spend Christmas time with some family and friends. I spent hours making sure I had everything packed. Presents, candy, clothes, coats, gloves, hats, two extra pair of shoes ( you just never know). When Superman got home from work, we loaded up and hit the road. While driving through Minnesota we passed some ski slopes and I was thinking " That would make a great winter picture" Well, it would if I hadnt forgotten to pack my camera! So, just a little fore warning for these low quality photos, they were all taken with my phone. And there is no rhyme or reason for them. I missed about a hundred "perfect" photo opportunities of memories being made but this is what I got.
Here are some ornaments I made with the glitter on the inside. No mess. :)
They got sent to my sisters family
Along with this group of her kids initials.
This is the first batch of goodies I made this year.
It went to my brother in Omaha.
Here is my sweet niece playing with her Peek a Boo Baby.
And yes, you do see a hint of a ponytail on top of her head.
Here are the newlyweds after church.
Aren't they cute!
Little Gene Kelly's first Christmas.
We did get some smiles from him.
Next are a few photos of a pendant I made out of silver with a little assistance from my father.
(Thanks for letting me use your tools and stuff)
In the beginning.
It's getting there
Taa Daaa